Harvest Moon Awl Ps2 Cheats

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  3. Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life Ps2 Walkthrough
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Category:Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Characters - The Harvest Moon Wiki - A wiki for the Bokujou Monogatari series!

This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life for GameCube.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have. I took back my statement on the last video divorcing Nami. You could divorce Celia, but it's a little harder. Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition Cheats Code Game PS2Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition Cheats Code Game PS2 Review / Ulasan Game Petunjuk dan Tips Tomat Jangan pernah membeli Tomat, karena hanya memberikan keuntungan 5 dolar.

Get the latest Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for GameCube (GameCube). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the GameCube cheats we have available for Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life.

Frozen Baby

Bring your son to the place where you link. Put iton the right side on the shadow and it willfreeze. You cannot pick it up or do anything else.It can still move normally as if you were pressingX, but it cannot walk around and you cannot pickit up. Your wife will have to pick it up when itis its bedtime so you do not have to worry losingit. It will also return to normal if you reset.

The Horse Races

On the day of the horse races, save, then go tothe races. Remeber all the winners, restart, andbid 99 on all the winners to get lots of medals.If you've taken good care of your horse, bid onhim and you can win alot of medals.

Change Weather

If it is raining or there is a hurricane, enter the mine and dig. After you aredone, the rain or hurricane will be over.

Fishy Cash

Need some cash NOW? Well I have figured out a way to do that! You know the digging site up by the waterfall? Go buy a fishing pole from Van and go fishing there! The different kind of fish are:The fish that you get here are worth, LOADS OF CASH!(Note) Remember to fish right by where the waterfall starts, that's where all the fish are, and fish right beside the dig site, not on the other side of the river!

Grade A Milk

Do you want to make fast cash? Well here's the solution for you! Don't you hate when you get grade B milk? Well here's a way to get grade A milk from now on! Make sure to talk to you cow everyday, just to see how there doing. If you don't then they start to feel disowned. You can also buy a brush and brush the cattle everyday. You can also press the Y button while near their head to 'love' them.

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See Nina Again

After you get married, sadly, Nina dies. But ifyou go to Gallen's house about 6:00 A.M., you canhelp polish her grave. If you do, Nina's spirit,ghost, or whatever call it, will appear smiling.

Harvest Moon Awl Ps2 Cheats

Get Muffy By Summer The 1st

To get Muffy, give her flowers every day, andtalk to her. One thing you should not do is whenshe asks you 'What are you here for' do not sayto see you, she will get embarrassed, say totalk (or to chat). If you keep this up, you willget 4 hearts and engaged by summer 1st. You willfind her diary in the bouquet of flowers in theBlue Bar.


A Valuable Mushroom

Okay, in fall, you see a slim, and tallmushroom behind Vesta's farm. It is called aMatsutake (forgive me if I spelled this wrong).Do not eat it!!! You only get 2 a year so don'teat it! It is worth 100G. So that's an easy200G. So do not eat it because it is valuable.

Money Every Month

First buy a boy and a girl chicken.Then put thefetilised eggs in the encuvator. When the chicksgrow to be an adult, sell them. You get alot of450g Monthly. (or twice a Month depending on whatday it is).

Free Seed Maker

You know Daral. In the first year at 10:00-12:00he will say they stole my idea and he will giveit to you.

Racoon In The Distance

If you go to Vesta's ranch in the early fall, go to the upperright corner of the ranch and you will see a racoon walkingaround. Panic at the disco collar full mp3 download. This hint might work any time of the year.

S Rank Crops

Once you are in chapter 3 go to Takuros house at5:00-10:00pm and he will show you his new plant.It has two heads and talks, every day talk tohim and if he asks you a qustion always answerpolitely. Eventualy he will ask you if you needsome thing and the word hybrid will apear as anoption. Click it and select 1 crop or seed andmix it wiyh an upseed flower after clickinghybrid. When he returns the item it will be an Srank crop and the flower will be gone.

Play With The Pyros

The 2 protecnitionists live in what looks like awater tower. Its between the trailor home andblue bar. Go in it via the rope hanging fromthe 'water tower'. Once inside talk to 1 of thepyrotecnitionists (if home) and they will ask youif you want to play a game.

Sashimi Those Cheap Fish!

You don't have to settle for selling Van thecheaper fish. Cook them into Sashimi and you get150G per fish! There are certain fish you don'twant to make into Sashimi, however. These are:Arna, Big Arna,Yamame, Big Yamame, Sharshark, BigSharshark, Big Rainbob and Big Huchep. Theregular Rainbob and Huchep should be made intoSashimi.

Steady Money

Buy chickens and a fishing pole. Get as many hensas possiable raise them eventully they will givegolden eggs($300). Catch Fish biggest $1000. Takeout 99 fodder sell them to van there you have it$990 G.



When you buy things that are expensive from Van, do you ever wonder if you can get it for a better price? You can! Just haggle with him if it is expensive. For example if you want to buy a teddy bear that Van may be selling, go to Van and whenavailable click the 'Discount?' option, keep at it until both you and Van are happy with the price!

Food Procesing Room

This room is 30,000g. If you buy it, then youwill have a good imcome. You can make butter &cheese in this new place. It will help you outwith recipes and different meals.

Help With Nami

Are you having trouble getting Nami to fall foryou? Well, once you get the Blue Feather, go toCelia and Muffy and when they ask 'Are youserious?' say No and break both of their hearts.By the end of the first year, Nami usually willpurpose to you herself. But don't use the BlueFeather on her, though, unless she has 4 hearts.But if she has 4 hearts, why would you be doingthis to poor Celia and Muffy?

Change Chicken Gender

This trick only works for a hatching chicken. Do not save the game until you getthe gender of chicken that you want. After the chick hatches, reset or turn offthe Gamecube. The chick might change to male or female. Note: This may require afew attempts.

Digging Up Things

Digging for treasure at the excavation site isanother way to make some extra money. CatchCarter between 9:00am and 5:00pm to startdigging. Go over each square a few times to findsome treasure. At the end of each digging dayCarter will look over what you've found. He'llswipe anything that he thinks is valuable andleave you with the rest. You can either sell yourtreasure to Van, sell it yourself, or give itaway.

Buying Cattle

When you have saved up your gold and want to geta new cow you should consider the following:Normal cows are not too much 2 buy and don't sellmilk very high. If you get a female Star cow thenyou will be fine. The star cow will produce gradeA milk and it is worth 405G.. WOW!! The gradeS is even greater, it is 540G. So you shouldthink about it. =)

Milking 4 Money

Harvest Moon Awl Ps2 Cheats Walkthrough

After a few years of raising cattle you'll haveenough money to buy a Milk Processing room. Itcosts 60,000G, but is worth every piece of gold.The Milking room makes milking so much easier,it's automatic! You'll need to show your cowswhere to go by pushing them into the building afew times and from then on they will go inthemselves to be milked.

Harvest Moon Awl Ps2 Cheats Download

Easy Money

First, buy the banana tree (1,500G). Then, getthe seed maker (6,000G). In year 2, the bananatree should be full grown. Get 15 bananas andput them in the seed maker. You should get 30seeds, which sell for 750G each. Sell these toVan for a grand total of 22,500G.

That's Good Food

To make food you first need to get the recipe.You can find recipes in every house. One of themost important resipes that you'll need is thecurry resipe. To get it you must become friendswith Ruby(she likes potatoes). After you haveyour recpie you go to your kitchen to make thefood, and that is how you make your food.

Seasons And Seeds

If you want to bread your cow don't buy a malebecause the male is too young. If you still wanta new calf get a miricle potion from another farm.

Timing Is Everything

To get the blue feather to give to your favoritegirl you just go to the spring and eat one of thered and white mushrooms to see the HarvestSprites, but you can only get the blue feather inthe first summer.

Horse Race

Save the game, then go to the horse race. Do not bet yet. Make a note of thewinners, then reset the game. Load the saved game, then bet 99 on the winners.You can get a lot of medals. Also, if you are competing, bet on yourself if youtake extremely good care of your horse. If you win, you will get a lot of medals.

Free Milk Processing Building

How To Get Marlin Quick

Give Marlin fruit, milk, or veggies. Talk to himevery day and if he asks you a question say thenice stuff.

We have no easter eggs for Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Ruby Spice Glitch

To get 99 Ruby Spice and plenty of G, get RubySpice by befriending Ruby. Then, go to yourkitchen and choose any recipe and put in one RubySpice. Confirm it and put it in your sack. Havepatience this takes a while.Note: Sell all but one Ruby Spice because youdont get any more. If you sell 98 you will get9800G. :)

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Harvest Moon Awl Ps2 Cheats

Created by: LocoPoco.Read the full guide..

Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life Ps2 Walkthrough

Created by: Falkoner.Read the full guide..

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Created by: Cheating Soul zed.Read the full guide..

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Created by: harvest_moon.Read the full guide..

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Created by: sandy 908.Read the full guide..

Created by: Kitten101.Read the full guide..

Harvest Moon Awl Ps2 Cheats Iso

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